I am here now within attention. Not having attention or studying attention, But inhabiting attention. The attention of the body, The attention of the breath. Inhabiting this attention in such a way that for now, It is the only thing that exists And everything else has become very still indeed. And for a moment, the attention is inhabited And rests at the root of Being. There is nothing here except the potential to receive the force of life As it flows into Being. With each breath inward, this flow of life is received, And it gives birth to the organic sensation of Being. And the force of the influence, The very fine influence Of the energies that animate the atoms, And the molecules, And the cells is recognized. We are here together, all of us. I am together with the forces That flow into life and Being— With the atoms, With the molecules, With the cells and the organs, With the stillness of thought, And the exquisite sensitivity of feeling. One whole thing. Inhabiting attention here. Being the attention. No separation. And the forces begin to concentrate themselves So that the center of gravity can be sensed here That which draws the attention of Being together In order to attract the help of forces greater than myself. And here, Within this moment, There is a celebration of joy and of goodness and of life That cannot be destroyed by what mankind thinks or does Because it is rooted in the existence of the cosmos itself. And for this joy and this celebration, For this wholeness of being, For the opportunity to remember, To inhabit attention, I give thanks.
Inhabiting attention
The search for a path through life
Jan 09, 2025
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