I'm engaged in a search. A search for truth and goodness. And yet I can't Conduct that search outside myself in the world I wish to conduct that search from within To discover where the truth and goodness lies in me Within Being And in order to conduct that search, I will plant my feet firmly, Deeply in my sensation of the body In such a way that no matter where I go Or what I do now or later, Today or tomorrow. I will always be rooted deeply in this sensation of my Being. I let go of everything I think I am And I allow the stillness here within myself To be the state from which I begin And the teacher who instructs me In the art of sensation And of life itself. I let go of every tension that binds my molecules together And I let them come into relationship with one another freely As though there were no rush As though right now where I am I have all the time that will ever be needed To sense myself And to try to understand That I can search for a way to love myself In the way that truth and goodness love me. For the soul is a place made for truth and goodness To come and dwell And it is always issuing an invitation I cannot hear the sound of that note of being unless I sense Unless I am so still within That I stop in emptiness. And here in this emptiness, At the beginning of everything there is, I am in this instant like a newborn To whom nothing has ever happened. Waiting for the first event in my life to take place. For this is a new day and a new life. And I have been given permission And shown the way from here To go forth into this new life today With Love.
Go Forth in Love
The search for a path through life
Jan 16, 2025
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