Share this postCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreThe Morning Five PodcastA huge demand9Share this postCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore1×0:00Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -5:47-5:47Audio playback is not supported on your browser. Please upgrade.A huge demandThe search for a path through lifeLee van LaerDec 03, 20249Share this postCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareTranscriptText within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedThe transcription feature on substack is not working this morning. That happens from time to time. No transcription for today's podcast is available.Discussion about this episodeCommentsRestacksShare this postCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreThe Morning Five PodcastFive minutes in the morning to think about your life and being.Five minutes in the morning to think about your life and being.SubscribeListen onSubstack AppSpotifyYouTube MusicRSS FeedAppears in episodeLee van LaerRecent EpisodesWhere I am is born19 hrs ago • Lee van LaerGoodness is hereMar 10 • Lee van LaerThe natural action of BeingMar 9 • Lee van LaerFind the wayMar 8 • Lee van LaerThe river of peaceMar 7 • Lee van LaerWithout interferingMar 7 • Lee van LaerIn no other placeMar 6 • Lee van LaerA song of heavenMar 6 • Lee van Laer
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